GP Locum & Mental Health
Mental health amongst GP’s has become a prominent talking point in the medical community recently. This is because mental health amongst doctors is a taboo subject, the majority of doctors outside of London can only seek help from their CCG. This has lead to GP’s not seeking help because of the lack of anonymity with their peers.
Due to many factors that include increased workloads and the extra pressure being put on the dwindling number of doctors. Figures of mental illness and even suicides amongst doctors are rising. From one leading GP, doctors under investigation are at 13 times higher risk of suicide compared to the general public. As a general rule of thumb GP’s are 4 times more likely to self-harm, this is an alarming figure that gets worse with female GP’s being more at risk of mental illness.
These reports have come shortly after it has been revealed that more than 1,100 GP’s had sought help for mental health issues that included burnout, stress and addiction this year alone.
The NHS are aware of the problem and are working on systems to tackle and support doctors that are suffering from mental illness. While long term strategies are being put in place, AppLocum wants to do something about the short term and the issues that doctors are facing now. If you want to become apart of our support community where doctors can talk to each other or seek help completely anonymously then please don’t hesitate.
We are offering support to any health care professionals who need it. As well as offering support, AppLocum also want to stress the benefits of a GP locum agency. Becoming a GP locum can have positive effects on mental health as you can take control of your working life. Work if and when you want in the locations you choose, if stress and other factors are becoming issues then take time off to regroup. Along with other benefits, there is a great emphasis on locum jobs and GP locum agencies.
If you are looking for support or want more information about locum work and how it can benefit you personally then please don’t hesitate to get in contact.
You can either email or call 0161 711 0655