Female Health Clinics – Barriers for female patients
A recent study showed that over 3000 women in the UK struggle to access basic healthcare services ranging from contraception through to cervical screening appointments. This report has highlighted the need for further appointments during the current staffing crisis and lengthy NHS waiting times, showing that women in the UK are having their health and general wellbeing put at risk due to the current lack of clinician availability.
What clinics are at risk?
The services most effected for women’s health are surrounding sexual health queries and hormonal therapy services. Although there should be a greater focus on disease prevention, this is widespread throughout all healthcare services and not just female health clinics.
At present the clinics suffering long waits for appointments and lack of clinician availability are; contraception, STI services, cervical screening and treatment, advice services for menopause.
Women are struggling to access fundamental female health clinics within their locality, usually travelling miles in order to gain necessary treatment for hormonal conditions and even simple contraception appointments. It has been reported that in the South of England women can expect a wait of up to 6 months for a simple family planning clinic appointment to discuss contraception and fit IUDs. 37% of women within the UK are unable to gain birth control methods and a shocking 34% were unable to gain a routine cervical cancer screening test in 2018. The recent drive for presenting at cervical cancer screening has improved the number of women attending these life saving appointments, the next hurdle is making these clinics accessible and convenient.
What is the cause?
With 15.3 million women in the UK working, routine appointments are becoming harder to attend. Studies have shown that women are more likely to report ill health and spot the signs of certain conditions, especially those surrounding sexual health; although these clinics are unfortunately some of the ones least accessible. What causes the current crisis within female health clinics?
– Time: clinics are run within hours not convenient for the working woman or even a mother competing with school times and childcare.
– Staffing crisis: the current lack of nurses and GPs specialising within the areas of sexual health, contraception and hormonal therapy is a major cause for concern when it comes to appointment availability.
– Lack of weekend appointments: weekend appointments are usually not available within local female health clinics making it difficult to gain convenient appointment slots.
– Spending: it has been reported this morning that spending on contraception has now fallen to its lowest since 2015, making it harder to gain vital family planning appointments and medication.
What action needs to be taken?
The barriers for women accessing crucial and life saving clinics can and should be battled by joining forces throughout the localities. Services must listen to the requirements of their female patients and make clinics more accessible. Changes across the NHS must now include a focus on female health to gain a healthier population and empower women to look after their general health, especially attending appointments for cervical cancer screening and hormonal therapies.
Making clinics available throughout the week 6 days per week is an option to look at when delivering services vital to female health and wellbeing. Surgeries making clinics accessible on the weekends have seen an increase in female patient satisfaction. Employing Locum nurses to cover weekend appointments may be the best way forward for your practice and female patient satisfaction. Contraception, cervical cancer screening and hormonal discussion appointments can be dealt with by Locum Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses. Looking into locum implementation of extra Practice Nurses can ease the strain on salaried staff, add extra skills to your surgery and even give you the ability to increase patient access on the weekends.
Provide more appointments to patients unable to travel long distances to gain sexual health guidance. The current lack of funding surrounding sexual health is hitting lower-income women the most. Low income makes it almost impossible to attend services out of locality. Taking a look at patient demographic and implementing clinic times based around this could make it easier for female patients on low incomes to access clinics without travel expense.
What happens if this is not addressed?
You can expect an increase in spend within your locality due to patient clinic deprivation. Lack of appointments has been linked to an increase in abortion rates, cervical cancer treatments and even mental health conditions.
With the lack of contraception and family planning appointments, women are putting themselves at risk of unplanned pregnancy. This will see an increase in abortion rates and therefore an increase in spending on the NHS within your locality.
Missed appointments for cervical cancer screening are costing the NHS more than ever. The biggest cause for missed appointments at present is the lack of convenience and available appointments.
Are you ready to help?
Are you looking into the implementation of further female health clinics, staffing and appointment convenience? We may be able to help!
With many trusts looking into the creation of weekend clinics especially for mandatory appointments such as cervical screening, locum clinicians may be the answer to the staffing crisis. Call our friend consultants to ask about our helpful locums willing to work weekend rotas to help battle the current female health crisis. Improve female patient satisfaction and ensure you have Locums able to cover female health clinics, today!