Setting New Year Resolutions for your GP Practice
New year, new practice
After another turn around the sun, everyone is setting their new year’s resolutions. Love them or hate them, new year’s resolutions can be an opportunity to reflect on how your practice can develop over the next year. If you need some inspiration, here are AppLocum’s suggested resolutions for your practice.
Make deeper connections with patients
Although you are able to have close conversations with your patients during their appointment, it is also important to keep the lines of communication open and foster a relationship with your patients.
Social media is not so slowly taking over the world. If you are not taking advantage of it then one of your practice resolutions can be to get your practice on social media. From here you can make deeper connections with patients.
You can:
-Answer comments
-Get feedback
-Make announcements
-Keep people updated with the practice in general
This is such an easy way to keep in touch with patients and generate deeper connections and spread the information you need to the people you want.
Send out satisfaction surveys
Does your medical practice put out satisfaction surveys for new and regular patients? Patient satisfaction surveys can give you an idea of how your medical practice is performing as a whole. Using the feedback you receive from patient satisfaction surveys can give you a starting point of things your medical practice needs to focus on, along with ideas on how you can improve in the future.
Just remember to not ask leading questions and to cover all areas you want to get feedback on.
Try to accept what is out of your control
The NHS and GP surgeries are stretched thin, this is why it is more important than ever to try and not get frustrated over elements out of our control. This could not ring truer if you are dealing with Capita!
So, try not to scream and swear so much when you are on the phone with them when they next mess up payments, the performer’s list or the transfer of patient records.
If you have any of your own resolutions that you would like to share then please let us know in the comments section!
One of our resolutions is to make it easier for you to find locum staff. Find out more here.