The CNSGP Scheme
From the 1st April 2019 we will see the implementation of the government backed state indemnity scheme throughout NHS primary medical care services. The new scheme sees all providers of primary medical care services in the NHS covered for clinical negligence liabilities for general practice which occur on or after the 1st April 2019.
This stretches through all primary care, Health and Social Care, out of hours, urgent care and any companies carrying out medical services and activities connected to the delivery of primary medical services for the NHS.
We understand that may be very confusing! We are here to answer the important questions you may have and make the somewhat complicated scheme easier to understand. Here we answer the most important questions without too much complicated jargon!
Am I covered as a Locum?
Yes! You will be covered as a Locum if you are working with an NHS primary care service. This means when you attend clinics with NHS practices, out of hour services, urgent care and social care sites; you will indeed be covered for any incidents that may arise.
What does the CNSGP scheme cover me for?
The government backed scheme covers you for any incidents related to clinical negligence which arise in general practice. Any claims made against a GP, nurse, Locum and any other practice team member will be covered within the scheme if the practice is an NHS primary medical care service or provided by a commissioned NHS provider.
When will the cover start?
Any claims made against individuals or sites will be dealt with within the CNSGP scheme from the 1st April 2019 and thereafter. Any claims previously submitted will be dealt with through Indemnity Insurance providers. This means claims on or after the 1st April 2019 will be dealt with through NHS resolutions.
What exactly is covered?
Any liabilities linked to diagnosis, care or treatment of a patient which results in patient personal injury or loss to the patient, as long as this was provided through an NHS primary medical care service or a service commissioned by the NHS providing primary medical care.
We have covered what will not be dealt with by the new scheme below:
– Non – NHS work
– NHS Dentistry
– Community Pharmacy
– NHS Optometry
– Complaints – Unless there is a claim for compensation caused by clinical negligence
– Inquests – Unless there is a claim for compensation caused by clinical negligence
– Disciplinary
– Contract and Employment disputes
– Non – Clinical liabilities
What can I do if I’m unsure if I will be covered?
You can contact NHS resolutions to discuss the circumstances by sending all queries via email to; cnsgp@resolution.nhs.uk They will provide you with all the information you require.
Who are NHS resolutions?
NHS resolutions were put together to cover the state indemnity scheme for the NHS. They deal with all negligence liabilities throughout the NHS. This will now include the new CNSGP.
How do I get CNSGP cover?
You don’t need to do anything to become a member! From the 1st April 2019 all clinicians within general practice will be enrolled on to the scheme ready for when they provide services through NHS primary medical care services. This will then cover any liabilities which arise when providing health care through NHS primary medical care.
Will I have to pay to be a member?
You do not need to pay to be a member of the CNSGP scheme. This will be provided by the NHS and is government backed. You will however only receive this if liabilities arise.
Am I covered for everything?
This is the tricky part! You may have mixed practices, provide prison care or provide services for an NHS trust. Here we will cover every scenario for you so you don’t have to worry! Ultimately all work relating to diagnosis of an illness throughout the GMS, PMS or an AMPS contract is covered by the new scheme. Therefor it is likely that the majority of your work will be covered by the scheme.
Private Treatment Services: These will not be covered as they fall out of the NHS services and you will need to purchase indemnity cover for this work.
Prison Care Work/Young offenders institutes: You will be covered for this work, this is due to your work being provided through a primary care service.
NHS Trust Services: You will need to read your contract in order to determine if you are covered by the CNSGP. Your contract may state that your trust accepts liability for your acts, if this is so you are more than likely covered by the CNST. If you provide services through the NHS general practice provisions you may be covered by the CNSGP. Refer to your contract for further information and discuss this with the trust.
Providing other services to individual patients: This is ultimately private work, therefor you will not be covered through the CNSGP scheme. Only primary care treatment under, GMS, PMS or APMS will be covered. As mentioned private services are not covered by the new scheme.
What isn’t covered by the CNSGP scheme?
We have put together a list of services not covered within the CNSGP scheme, all of the following must be covered by outsourced Indemnity Insurance:
– Any privately funded work taken on by healthcare professionals
– Any non-NHS or non-local authority funded activities including, reports and medicals undertaken by GPs for other bodies, insurance work which falls outside of NHS services
– Any dentistry work
– Medico-legal services other than those relating directly to clinical negligence claims
– Voluntary work – unless delivered under primary medical services
– Overseas work – unless delivered under primary medical services
Do I need other Indemnity Insurance?
You will still need to purchase Indemnity cover via your MDO or insurer to cover any claims that arise outside of NHS work as mentioned above.
If you also have any previous claims before the 1st April 2019, these will have to be dealt with via other Indemnity cover. The CNSGP only covers negligence occurring on and after the 1st April 2019 and only if the incident occurred when providing NHS primary medical care through an NHS service or NHS commissioned service.
What happens to all claims made prior to 1st April 2019?
These will be dealt with by your MDO or insurer as they occurred prior to the date of implementation. It is best to discuss these issues with your insurer/MDO if you have any questions. Only claims occurring on or after the 1st April 2019 will be covered by the CNSGP scheme.
Ultimately the new scheme could empower clinical practitioners everywhere. In recent news we have seen that nurses already feel more confident with the mention of the new government backed scheme.
If you have any questions with regards to the new scheme that have not been answered in this article, you can contact us for more information and guidance.