The new £1000 training boost for clinicians
This month the UK government have announced a commitment to training clinicians in the UK which will benefit patient care and the effectiveness of the NHS. We look into how the new budget announcement will benefit you as a clinician.
The current NHS staffing crisis is becoming more of a threat as the years go by, with this year 885 fewer nurses due to start at university. At present there are 39,147 unfilled nursing vacancies in the UK, this is predicted to rise to 48,000 by 2023. In a bid to assist the staffing crisis and the future of our healthcare, the government have promised an extra £1000 per clinician over the next three years to go towards mandatory training. With extra money for CPDs and increases in wages, the government are providing a funding boost of £210 million for UK nurses alone by 2021.
Nurses are required to undertake frequent CPD and mandatory training over a three-year period in order to stay registered and deemed “safe to work”. Although CPD and mandatory training increases skills and ensures the highest level of care for patients; it does indeed cost training clinicians out of their own money. The UK currently fund part of mandatory training; however, most are required to pay for at least “some” of the 35 mandatory training hours they need in order to work and remain registered. The new budget announcement means clinicians will no longer have to pay out to pass re-validation. The changes ensures that clinicians have access to the training they require in order to increase skills and knowledge; befitting patients across the UK.
The government states that “personal developments are important” in order for clinicians to practice safely and ensure patient safety. It is hoped that the new budget announcement will bring an increase in clinicians within the UK, the investment is predicted to help increase the number of people attending university to study medicine and other related courses; according to the RCN.
Employers will be expected to invest in employees locally by providing further training and helping to fund personal development within the work place. By investing into CPD funds, employers are looking to recruit and retain staff to battle the current staffing struggle tormenting the NHS. Chancellor Mr Javid states; “Our nurses, midwives and other dedicated NHS professionals care for us when we need it most, so it’s right that we support them to develop rewarding and fulfilling careers, and continue to deliver the highest standards of care for patients.” It is within the best interest of practices to ensure their staff are trained to the highest standard and ensure high staff morale and job retention. Chief nursing officer Ruth May states; “More staff, working in rewarding jobs and supportive environments, will be key to delivering the improvements for patients we set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.” the new plans for the budget will no doubt see an increase in patient satisfaction.
Accessing additional training has been mentioned as a major issue across polls with clinicians over the years, this change will be welcomed with open arms!
Clinicians within the NHS will be eligible for the extra funding and those within permanent positions are promised even more from employers. The decision on whether to extend this to all clinicians is still being discussed, however chief executive and general secretary of the RCN Donna Kinnair says; “This will help to ensure every individual nurse can access the training they need to increase their skills and knowledge further – though it needs to be extended to all nursing staff, not just those in the Health Service.”
What are your thoughts on the changes to the budget and the promise of an extra £1000 for all front-line clinicians? We want to hear from you! Leave your comments below or email alicia@applocum.com to be featured in our next piece.